Won’t He Do It!
Who gives God praise after a meeting? We do! We raised up a chorus of astonished praise after our pre-application meeting with the city Tuesday morning. And we’re going to lift up that praise together this Saturday! So let me bring you in on this joy. It’s difficult to express blog-style the significance of what transpired. But I’ll try so that –
If what’s on your plate as you read this feels daunting… or “just routine”... or too big… may you know that God not only walked with his people in miraculous ways in the past but is still walking with you today.
We were meeting on Tuesday with multiple folks from the city regarding the future restoration of 1153 Mitchell Ave. We needed to understand what the city’s code will require of us before applying for permits.
The building’s most recent use was for the same classification of activities that we will be pursuing - gathering, meals, community service. The major drumroll is – the building is still recognized with that classification for zoning!! That saves us time and money that’s hard to quantify. If you know, you know!
The other praise settling into my core is the praise for the remarkable community of people God has brought to our new community of Kitsap House. Only the miraculous work of God created the interlocking web of trust and even friendship over the last couple of years. These are deeply personal stories, so forgive me for sharing them in code, but they’re not mine to tell. Here’s a taste just to pique your imagination for the goodness of God that might be weaving through your own seasons –
If you’re feeling alone… or life feels “stalled out”... or the pain is raw and healing feels far away… may you know that Jesus not only promises to be with you to the very end of the age but he knows you and your story personally and has woven your life into the annals of history.
Friends who met more than 40 years ago in career training served together providing us counsel before and during the call. Someone Larry and I had served with, who had walked our driveway as we dreamed of moving here five years ago, served to walk this property on Mitchell and counsel us about our congregation finding a home. And even within the city!...
Stop skimming and read this one!
Three years ago this week, on the night of the winter solstice, I got to know someone working at the city because they called to inform me that the activities we were having for the solstice and Christmas Eve at 703 were in violation of the coding of the house. Three years later, on the week of the winter solstice, after years of building mutual trust and respect, we were offered generous assistance by that same acquaintance.
Please join me in a chorus of praise together, in person! I know it’s a busy season, but I’d love to mark this time with you - just a half hour to praise and pray together.
This Saturday, the darkest night of the year
4:00-4:30pm at Soroptimist Overlook downtown at the water.
(The location where we recorded so many worship services in 2020)
We’re going to gather to light candles and offer praise to God. We’re going to pray with confidence and fervent hope that God’s light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. That God walks with us. That he is marking this week and this community for the annals of the Kingdom of Heaven in your life and mine and in our life together. We’ll pray for the ways we are individually experiencing darkness and ask for Immanuel, the Light of the World, to come once again.
Pastor Megan