A Thanksgiving Toast
What a feast we had Sunday! We ate food – oh, what a spread! We gave lavishly – so many gifts for refugees who will be new neighbors! We enjoyed great company – so many new friends!
“A church for our neighbors” comes alive in settings like this. Thank you for living into this vision so tangibly. It is a joy to have conversations like I did leaving the yacht club Sunday with a friend who said, “This gives me hope for there being something new,” as it regards a spiritual community. I think we’re inviting Jesus in very unique ways with our annual practice of feasting!
Thank you for sharing and celebrating God in this way!
Hannah Snelling from World Relief shares about the current need to settle 450 refugee families in Western Washington in the next two months. photo credit: Nicole Schauer
I love that we celebrate Thanksgiving this coming week! (lots of !!) Our whole community will be planning for food and giving thanks – or, longing for a safe community and table full of food. This is so close to God’s heart. Let’s be the neighbors who create space to belong and to see God!
Invite your neighbors to join you for a casual walk/run from 703 Kitsap Street down along the waterfront and back. We have a 5K route option if that’s your thing! We’ll finish back at 703 with some breakfast and the parade.
Join us Thursday beginning at 8:30am at 703 Kitsap Street.
A toast is prepared during Sunday’s feast. photo credit: Nicole Schauer
Since many of us will be feasting again this coming week in our own homes, I wanted to give you some ways you can use the same liturgy from Sunday’s feast this coming Thursday.
Adopt this Liturgy for your Thanksgiving. (Adapted from Every Moment Holy)
Here’s a couple options based on who you might be feasting with:
Print a copy for everyone and take turns reading as host/altogether (great for spiritually-curious company).
Highlight selections from it to read as a prayer that you as the host pray before dinner (great for not-sure-where-people-are company).
Pray it with your fellow housemates before people arrive. Before dinner or just before dessert, call out, “Let’s have a toast of Thanksgiving!” Let people call out a couple of words of something they’re thankful for (great for you-know-they-don’t-want-anything-spiritual company).
In keeping the feast, may you know God’s way of abundance, love and hospitality.
To the King! Cheers!
Pastor Megan