Here at Kitsap House we love our families and kids. We experience the kingdom when we gather inter-generationally.


Get Involved

When we say “family” we mean we pursue mutual and meaningful relationships cross-generationally.

At any Kitsap House gathering you will find opportunities for all generations to share in life together, in addition to opportunities for age/stage learning.

  • During our Sunday gathering expect to have your elementary-aged children with you for the first half-hour and then send them to their age/stage learning. We usually close our services with communion altogether.

    Additionally, we have designated space for our 0-2 year old within the main space.

  • We offer various courses for elementary, middle and high school students.

    See our calendar for more information on dates and times or email

  • We believe parents and guardians are the primary spiritual leaders in their kids’ lives.

    But we know we can't do it alone! Our desire is to come along-side you and support your family in any and every way we can. Below are some resources for everything from talking about faith with your kids, to teaching about communion to support and equip you.

Family Resources

  • Talking With Kids About Faith

    This Parent Cue article is a great resource for having faith conversations with your kids.

  • Communion With Kids

    We want our kids to understand communion before they participate. To learn more about beginning this conversation, check out these daily activities or check out our pamphlet below.

  • Baptism for Kids

    We believe baptism is a gift for all ages, infant and adult, a sign and a seal of God’s work of cleansing us. That said, folks come to Kitsap House from a lot of different traditions and we’re happy to work with you wherever you’re at with understanding baptism. If you want a little primer on why we do baptize infants, take a moment to read this helpful article.

    You can also check out our baptism resource below.

  • Books We Recommend

    We love these kid Bibles!

    The Jesus Storybook Bible

    The Biggest Story Bible Storybook

    For more books and resources visit the link below!