Give to Kitsap House
A church for our neighbors…
Generosity is built into our mission. We’re a church who believe in God’s heart for the world, right where we live. We’re a generous church because God is generous to us, so we invite you to joyfully give to Kitsap House and become a part of what we do.
Consider joining us in reading out the short prayer below before you click this button!
Generosity is Worship
Every act of giving is an act of worship and a prayer. As you give, mark the moment by taking time to pause and say this prayer.
Bless now, O Lord, this gift and its benefits, that it might be received as evidence of your mercies, and multiplied in effectiveness for your kingdom.
Through this and other acts of giving, train my heart toward a greater generosity, that the habits of my stewardship might be ever more pleasing to you, and ever more expressive of your own holy heart and passions.
All that I have is yours, Lord Christ.
All that I have is you.
Use then this small gift for works of love and mercy, and unto the increase of your glory.