Common Rule

One of the unexpected gifts of launching a new community in 2020 has been that Kitsap House hasn’t done just about anything the way a new church “normally does it.” We gave young adults a home at 703 Kitsap Street before committing to a Sunday morning worship space. We hired Maddy and began discerning her sense of call to ministry before hiring a worship leader (normally a church plant’s first hire). You gave me as your pastor the space to prioritize being in the community with plenty of people who don’t know Jesus before organizing small groups.

And when it comes to committing to the community, we’re doing that differently too. Or are we?

The Church has gone through cycles in the last 1700 years of forming communities of people who follow Jesus who are committed together to a Rule of Life. Don’t think religious-check-list rule; this Rule is from regula, “regulate.” A Rule of Life provides structure and direction for our life with God to grow, like a trellis in a garden holds and directs the growth of a vine. 

Jesus calls us, “Abide in me. Remain in me.” A Rule of Life helps us see how we can abide and remain with Jesus. 

We are adopting a Common Rule as those who are committed to the community of Kitsap House. Who we are and what it looks like to be part of this community is not merely about our life together on a Sunday morning. We are defined as a community by how we collectively and individually are “being with Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and doing what Jesus did.” (Thank you, John Mark Comer for this language).

There’s nothing new to Kitsap House in our Common Rule. We’ve taken the time to write down how we see God directing us in our growth. When we put together the values that have steered our decisions and the practices that have shaped us together over the last couple of years, what came together was this Common Rule.

This is what we’re hearing from those committed to Kitsap House:

  • “Praying the Lord’s Prayer every day has been really significant for me.”

  • “What makes this community unique is how we create space for our neighbors.”

  • “Simplicity rings true for us at Kitsap House. I can see that. That’s why the pipe and drape didn’t make sense [in our Sunday morning set up]!”

We’re inviting you to remain with Jesus and to grow with us. We’re trying a new/ancient way of defining who we are because I am convinced that God’s plan is to demonstrate his love through Jesus within the community of those following Jesus. Come practice the way of Jesus with us!

Here are some ways to learn more and to catch up if you haven’t been around in a while:

Sunday we begin a series called “Before & After.” We’ll be walking through the Gospel of Mark, seeing the stories of Jesus meeting people. I hope in them we find our own stories and begin to share our own testimonies more regularly. You’ll see our Common Rule at work as we memorize a verse of Scripture together and as we practice Simplicity together during our Lenten season.

We’re all in process. Our Common Rule is not a way to ask “Are we measuring up?” It’s a way of leaning into, “How can I keep abiding?” I hope you’ll lean in with us to practicing the way of Jesus. What a treasure this community is!

- Pastor Megan


 I don’t know how old we are