Have you noticed that there’s less on the Kitsap House calendar coming up? In other seasons we’re starting up new learning cohorts like Practicing the Way or Alpha. There are big rallying points for worship like Easter or Christmas. We’re shifting gears into summer, and that means there are actually more not less opportunities for gathering– they’re just not so calendared! This is what we mean….
We notice this time of year that our neighbors shift from planning multi-week things or even committing to one-off events and start lingering around the yard, happy to have an impromptu grill out or game of cards. Whether the sun is out or not makes a big difference to whether or not we’ll show up, Amen? This is good. Lean in!
“Tune in” with the Spirit — Be prayerful about when to take a walk, when to send the text - “want to come over?” - when to pull over and help someone on the side of the road. Please pray for these impromptu moments!
Here’s the kinds of things I’ve seen happen just in this one week of the sun being out:
Larry and Reed ended up playing soccer with our next door neighbor dad and his 2 kids. That wasn’t planned. But it also wouldn’t have happened if they weren’t already out in the driveway.
I got to know a young pregnant momma named Alexis a block from my house because Lana happened to have her eyes open when she left Wal-Mart.
A dozen people became acquaintances at Yoked just because John was hanging out with his motorcycle and we lingered before and after the community gathering there.
God is moving and speaking everywhere, all the time. Isn’t that a wonder?! Take a second just to breathe in that truth. God, you’re here. Let me be part of what you’re doing today.
Be expectant this season.
Linger before and after the appointment.
Keep pickleball gear in your car and make the stop.
Work a little extra in the front yard.
Take your coffee out to the porch.
Let’s see the neighbors that God already has in your life that you’ll come to know this summer!
With expectancy,