Toast Tonight! It’s a Celebration!

No one ever said of me: “Megan, she’s soo good at remembering birthdays.” The day before our son turned one, I thought, “I should probably host a party!” Other parents have the outfit, the high chair all done up… I had a dozen last minute texts to friends and caregivers, Domino’s pizza, chocolate chip cookies, and a handful of balloons on the mailbox.

There’s another first birthday happening TODAY! And here’s my last minute call out for a celebration!


So, would you please celebrate tonight? Wherever you are, Dominoes and chocolate chip cookies, take out, or steak and a nice bottle of wine (from the middle section of Costco, we’re so fancy, to be picked up this afternoon…)

Please do this:

  • Raise a glass of water or milk or “bubble water” or whatever with whomever you’re with

  • Toast, “TO THE KING!”

  • And share one memory over dinner – or text a Kitsap House friend if you’re on your own tonight – of this past year

  • Remember God’s faithfulness to this brand new community

  • Take a picture and send it to 360-519-7538. We’ll make a montage to celebrate.

I’m so, so grateful for you. I’m so, so grateful to God for his kindness in bringing together a truly remarkable community whom I have the joy of knowing by name and by story.

Sunday when we sang out, “This Is Our God,” and shyly, joyfully, looked at one another while we were singing, I was looking out at you and singing,

“Remember those walls that we called sin and shame?” And I saw you, counting the days of your sobriety

“Remember those giants we called death and grave?” And I saw you, counting the weeks from your loss

“Faith so weak that we could barely pray” And I saw you, planning with me as we found out we couldn’t meet at 703 anymore…

“Who gets the glory and praise? Nobody but Jesus” And I saw you, always reminding me of the presence and the love of Jesus

What an incredible privilege to be your pastor.



Last call for ordering “Here for a Reason” Port Orchard swag for you or a friend!




A Remarkable Family