Join in Kitsap House Firsts!
I’m not sure I’ve ever looked forward to being solemn with such anticipation. This weekend we have some profound yet simple ways to connect with God. You won’t want to miss Friday’s walking podcast and Sunday’s joyful worship! They’re Kitsap House firsts, and I’m carrying such joyful hope for our time together (and let’s be honest, some sunny weather)!
For Friday, Dave Wilson, Dave Thomas and I collaborated to produce our first ever Kitsap House podcast (kudos to Larry, too, for figuring out how to upload it!). It’s unique and so holy and– even if it is Good Friday– fun? It’s a 30 minute podcast designed for you to walk and experience the last week of Jesus’ life. It features Dave Thomas’ music, Dave’s reading of scripture, and my interpretation for us as we process hopes and disappointments.
Meet us Friday night at 7:00pm downtown Port Orchard at the Waterfront Park to walk with us through town, up to the county jail and back down to 703 Kitsap Street. If you can’t join us, pick about a 1 mile walk of your own. Find the links to the podcast here or search “The Kitsap House Podcast” wherever you listen to podcasts.
On Saturday many of us are hosting neighborhood egg hunts to bless our neighbors. We Hackmans are hosting a dozen friends and siblings from our son’s class and the neighborhood! We’re glad for a celebratory way to connect with folks on a weekend that means a lot to us who follow Jesus.
Sunday at 10am I hope you’re joining us at the Port Orchard Yacht Club. I’m so glad for God’s calling to worship him with music and food, certainly. I’m also really grateful for what God showed me that I’ll be sharing.
I began studying with the question, “Why did the angels appear to the women at the tomb? Couldn’t Jesus himself have appeared to them? Wouldn’t that have been simpler?” And that question led me to a new understanding of God’s grace and what it means to wait with hope to see him.
If you’re feeling short on hope or know someone else who is, I hope you’ll invite your neighbors to come with you to encounter God with us.
My soul is full, and so full of joy at the anticipation of worshiping with you. I hope I see you walking, laughing, and singing this weekend. He really is risen, just as he said.
Pastor Megan